दोसती शबद का ग़लत इसतेमाल बहुत ज्यादा होने लगा है। Professional इस शब्द का उपयोग उनके लिए करने लगे हैं जिनके साथ बैठ कर कभी समय ही न बिताया हो। Internet से जुड़े हुए Fans, Followers, Acquaintances को दोसत कहना बहुत ही ग़लत है इससे दोसत शब्द के अरथ खो जाते हैं। दोसती शब्द को परभाषित करने के लिए बचपन में जाना होगा। दोसत वोह होते हैं जिनसे जब भी बात करने को मन करे आप कर सकते हो।
Please allow me to share my own experience I was connected to few professionals and became sick for two weeks. None of them felt my absence and called to know why I am not participating. How can I call them friends? Haan Nanhe ki baat aur hai. Nanhe is connected on spiritual level.
वोह हमेशा उपलभ्द रहते हैं दोसतो के लिए . एक professional को आप कैसे दोसत कह पाओगे जो एक समय सीमा में दूर से उपदेश देता है।
खुद तो दूसरों की आवाज़ तक नहीं सुन पाता , ना ही उनके विचार जान पाएगा। Professional रिश्तों की रेखाएं बहुत सीमित होती हैं। मैने एक डॉक्टर से सवाल पूछा वोह बोला यह health से related नहीं है।
मैने एक Insurance advisor को सवाल पूछा उसने बोला इसका Insurance से क्या लेना देना।
अब अगर खुल कर बात करने की इज़ाज़त ही नहीं फिर और हासल करके तो ज़ख्म ही मिलेंगे। इससे तो अच्छा अधियातमक रिश्ता बना लो फिर जिसमे शरीर का कोई ख़ास role ना ही हो। अगर दोसती तक जाना है एक वार चेहरा पढ़ पाने का मौका तो दो। अैसे कैसे शब्दों से खिलवाड़ करते हो।
What makes a friend a true friend?
A close friend is honest and speaks from the heart with good intentions. They tell you what you need to hear in a way that you can hear rather than gossip behind your back. A quality friend is trustworthy, not only are your secrets safe with them, but so are your vulnerability, fear, and weirdness.
a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another
a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people. In all cultures, friendships are important relationships throughout a person's life span.
An acquaintance is a person you know, but who is not a close friend. It's the person you run into in the hallway or feel comfortable meeting in a group setting, but usually not by yourself. A casual friend is a person you are more emotionally attached to. You feel comfortable meeting with this person one on one.
Source : https://www.betterup.com/blog/qualities-of-a-good-friend#
1. They live with integrity
A friend with Integrity acts in alignment with their values and commitments. They have strong moral principles, know the difference between right and wrong, and will speak or act when their principles are violated. They know themselves and behave and speak in ways that are consistent. Because of this, you can believe in them even when you disagree with them.
A close friend is honest and speaks from the heart with good intentions. They tell you what you need to hear in a way that you can hear rather than gossip behind your back. A quality friend is trustworthy, not only are your secrets safe with them, but so are your vulnerability, fear, and weirdness.
3. “Dependability” is their middle name
Good friends show up, keep promises, do what they say they will do, and stand up for you. You don't have time for fair-weather friends. That doesn't mean a friend will be dependable across all dimensions — they aren't superheroes any more than you are. A friend can make mistakes, but you have to feel you can rely on them in some core way. For example, I have a friend who is always late and overwhelmed, but I know that I can depend on her to listen to me talk and accept me unconditionally.
Blind loyalty is never a good idea. But, if your friends have integrity, they’re likely loyal to the people they care about and who have been with them through ups and downs.They don’t speak negatively about you, they listen to your side of the story, give you the benefit of the doubt, and they defend you when you deserve it.
5. They have empathy for others
A good friend has that amazing ability to put themselves in your shoes, otherwise known as Empathy. They do their best to understand what you’re feeling and react accordingly.
6. They’re good listeners
Listening skills are essential for a good friend but listening is not one side process.
If someone has the qualities of a good friend, they give you room to speak, ask questions, validate your emotions, and help you find perspective. Some friends are good at helping you see things in a new light.
7. Their confidence is contagious
This is an important trait for any friend. They are comfortable with themselves and comfortable with you. Real confidence will inspire you, draws you out, lends you courage when you don't have it, and helps you feel confident to take on the world.
8. Spending time with them makes you feel good
Is this trait number 8? This could easily be #1. Otherwise, what’s the point? A great friend can have down days, but overall they have a positive mindset. Just being with them cheers you up when you feel down. The bottom line is that time with them should be something you look forward to.
9. You wonder how they’re not a professional comedian
Granted, this trait isn't absolutely necessary. But a sense of humor is helpful. A friend doesn't have to be professionally funny, just share a similar sense of humor to help you both find the lighter side when things get tough. They know how to hit your funny bone and appreciate your quirks. Someone who rolls their eyes at your jokes might not feel good to be around.
10. They're non-judgmental
Real friends never make you feel bad for being yourself. With a good friend, you can come to the table as your true self.
11. They’re low-maintenance
No drama here. If you’re busy, they won’t hold it against you. And when you reconnect, it’s like no time has passed at all. If your friend has any or all of these qualities, remind them that they’re awesome. That kind of positivity helps keep relationships alive.