Respect Vs Fear

Subject:  Difference between Fear and Respect

Intent : Reflection and improvement


Abstract :


Compliance monitoring bodies need to act as mentors and educators. The story I want to share here is for reflection. If your workers are afraid of inspectors or any compliance monitoring bodies and need to run from site that is only fear not respect. If workers are hired to build homes or commercial buildings that is requirement of Canada to hire those workers. If they do not know something educating them is our duty. We can not educate them by inducing fear in their brains. I want to say it loud “if construction workers stopped working Canada will suffer a big setback because it affects every Industry. Lumber sales, hardware stores, accounting firms, transport industry you name it everything will suffer.

Why not respect construction workers and treat them with respect and train them to Canadian standards. I understand not all inspectors showcase power of authority. I have met good one’s who taught me basics through reasoning “why those safety codes are written. What issues they address and intent behind every safety code”

It is sad when we witness some inspectors beat the words written in code books with stick of power of authority and they do not understand why they are written.

Note :


You can check Kijji and other platforms how many journeyman are looking for job or doing survival jobs. How many 2nd year and 3th year apprentice are getting delayed in their certification because they do not hours to complete the level and pay for school fees.

Story behind this writing


I must start from my history in Canada to better understand why I am writing this. We landed in Vancouver in 2006 as permanent residents in skilled worker class. My skills were easily transferable in Industrial as well as trades.

1. My first attempt to become part of Canadian workforce was in Dairy Industry that had 10 years experience. I wrote and passed dairy worker test at BC Centre for Disease Control 655 W 12th Ave, Vancouver, BC

2. Not finding job in dairy industry I started working second interest in my priority list as Electrician helper but I registered with Industrial Training Authority (Apprenticeships & Industry Training)

I was having lunch break at a multifamily building site with other workers; our Supervisor (FSR) drove to nearby food counter for lunch.

Electrical Inspector came in for inspecting some services at town homes and all the workers started running or hiding.

I stopped one of them and asked why are they running??

He answered because Electrical Inspector is here to inspect services??

I asked what illegal here that they need to run is.

I read through Apprenticeship Industry acts and regulations – of course it states non certified individuals can not work without supervision of Certified journeyman or higher designation person.

But we were just taking our lunch break and not even working.

I went into the units that were being inspected. I said hello How are you to the Inspector and he answered properly. Then he started asking me questions

Inspector : What trade you work here ?

Amrik : Electrical Sir

Inspector : Are you Certified in the trade ?

Amrik : I am working towards my certification and registered with ITA.

Inspector : You can not work unsupervised then

Amrik : Yes sir you are right. It is lunch break and our supervisor will be here in 20 minutes.

Inspector: Is he Certified?

Amrik Yes He holds FSR Class B.

Inspector : Ok make sure you only work when he is here.

Amrik : Ok sir.

Inspector : What do you know about Electrical Service ?

Amrik : It is where power enters from Utility Company and neutral Conductor has bonding jumper to the grounding electrode at this point.

Inspector : Do you know you need to remove bonding jumper here because Service is Grounded at Electrical Room ?

Amrik : Yes Sir, This is bonding Jumper (pointing to bonding jumper) that is removed and mounted to the adjacent stud as communication gesture with Inspector.

Inspector : You know that eh!

We both smiled and he left the site leaving Inspection passed certificate.

In my 18 years of working in Canada I have met great inspectors as well as very bad inspectors who showcase power of authority instead of educating work force.